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The Crack Magazine

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20th March – 20th April There’s a powerful solar eclipse on the 3rd in your relationship chart, which means new beginnings or renewal for all relationships, now and in weeks or months to come. It’s very much the time to meet that special someone, take things to the next level, or have a fresh start. The annual full moon in your sign on the 17th is about what you want to do to get the most out of relationships, like change priorities, compromise, or self-care.

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20th April – 21st May Lots of focus on daily routine and schedules for much of October, sounds boring maybe but it’s sorting and balancing the little things that makes the bigger stuff easier. It’s also about new or different daily routines, so this can be new jobs, new routes to work, new exercise, etc. Health is always a focus when the planets are in this mood, so its about doing what you need to do for balance and wellbeing too.

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21st May – 21st June This is one of the most creative and empowering months for a long time, so make the most of this beautiful energy by focusing and growing your cherished dreams and passions. Matters of the heart are manifesting for you, so this means romance is big news too. The solar eclipse anchors all this energy in from the 3rd, and Jupiter in your sign is retrograde from the 9th, which brings any missed opportunities or lost loves back your way (if that is what you want).

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21st June – 23rd July Mars, planet of action and motivation, is in your sign all month. It means you’re wanting to push ahead with anything that gets you moving, and it means you have little patience with anything that feels stagnant or slow going. Solar eclipse on the 3rd is about big changes to home and comfort zone in coming weeks and months. And the corresponding full moon on the 17th is about new plans and the fulfilment you feel from taking inspired action.

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23rd July – 23rd August October is all about communication, and it’s all about getting your message across in the most balanced, measured, and even artistic way. It doesn’t mean spend hours piecing together the perfect sonnet of a text, (unless it gives pleasure to do so of course), but there is a special magic to your words and thoughts this month. Likewise, if someone is giving you the right message, let them know. Right now, appreciation is a vital part of good grammar.

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23rd August – 23rd September There’s a solar eclipse in your house of finances, income and purchases on the 3rd. Eclipses are all about long-term events that happen over weeks or months, and this one is all about balancing books and wise choices of spending, but it’s also indicating there might be something linked to home or family that you’re now ready to invest in. Moving house or relocating for work, for example.

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23rd September – 23rd October The annual solar eclipse in your sign on the 3rd indicates new beginnings that are about a ‘new you’. It’s like the acorn growing into an oak tree, so don’t fret if the first steps are just small. It’s very much all about you but it also includes your relationships and romance, and it’s about everything you have wanted from partnership, but stay constructive with the communication, especially from around 12th to 18th, as it’s easy to misunderstand motives and meanings.

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23rd October – 22nd November First half of October has a fate or destiny feel to it, where events or circumstances are hard to argue with. Not that you’d want to argue with them as there’s so much about love, harmony, partnership and union that it’s likely to be a pleasure. From the 22nd the sun starts to move through your sign, which is about an increase in energy, creativity and productivity, so a lot gets done in a very short time.



22nd November – 22nd December It’s a month of friendship and fun, there’s so much happening socially so it’s busy and active, but also you’re meeting kindred spirits who are very much on your wavelength and bring a new balance and harmony to your life. Your ruler Jupiter is retrograde from the 9th, which is about a change or turnaround for relationships. It can bring people from the past back to your life, or take you back down some familiar paths. Though sometimes it’s down some unnecessary rabbit holes too, if you’re not careful.



22nd December – 20th January Solar eclipse on the 3rd is about clever career moves and long-term plots and plans in all areas of your life. In other words, it’s a month suits you down to the ground, as there’s nothing you like better than a ladder of success you can move up step by step at your own pace. Full moon on the 17th is about comfort zones, and how much and how soon to step out and about from yours, which really just depends on your priorities at the moment.



20th January – 18th February There are some wishes coming true this month. Solar eclipse on the 3rd is about faith, belief and the magic that happens when you start believing that the universe will deliver what you want. Remember though, it’s not actually the belief that makes it all manifest, it’s the appreciation you feel while being busy believing, that is where the secret sauce is.

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18th February – 20th March It’s not one of the most adventurous months you’ve had, what with restrictive Saturn still in your sign, and Jupiter, planet of adventure going retrograde (appearing to move backwards) from the 9th. But it doesn’t mean it’s going to be a boring month, as the solar eclipse on the 3rd is about finding a new sense of balance and harmony through trust and closeness with others. And there’s an impulsive, healing full moon on the 17th that might involve some important retail therapy.