A Little bit of what you fancy
A Little Sound is quite a moniker, isn’t it? I wonder if her friends call her that? (“Hey, A Little Sound, would you mind passing the salt”). But the Taunton lass rose to prominence – as A Little Sound – in the 2020s on the drum and bass scene (she’s a member of Loud LDN) and, it has to be said, as a Tik Toker. Her vocals can be heard on many recent classic cuts such as Gray’s ‘Fallen’ and Technimatic’s ‘Lakota’ and in 2022 she had the distinction of pocketing the top prize for Best Vocalist at the Drum & Bass Arena Awards in 2022. Her first UK tour should be quite the party.
A Little Sound: System Tour, Friday 8 November, World Headquarters, Newcastle, 11pm-4am, £12, skiddle.com
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